Bill Jerman
B.Ed (Hons), DipEd

I was a Primary Headteacher and Executive Headteacher for 28 years in West London having previously taught in the ILEA and Nottingham.
During my headship I led initiatives and programmes for NQTs and Leaders within the Local Authority and was then seconded on a part time basis to lead similar work with the NCTL and DfE which led to a role as a Teaching and Leadership Adviser. This involved working with schools, MATs and Teaching School Alliances across London.
As a National Leader of Education and leader of a Teaching School Alliance, I was very involved in school collaboration, school to school support, coaching and mentoring, school improvement work and developing the capacity and quality of leaders in schools.
I moved to the South West in 2015 and began working as an Education Consultant, working with a wide range of schools as a School Improvement and Development Adviser, Pupil Premium Reviewer and and also inspecting for Ofsted.
I continue to devise and facilitate leadership and governance programmes at all levels, write and facilitate on NPQ programmes, work collaboratively with groups of schools who are looking to develop effective partnerships and lead teaching and learning reviews.
I also support leaders through coaching, mentoring and supervision and write and facilitate bespoke CPD packages for individual and groups of schools such as understanding the Ofsted framework, 'deep dives' and curriculum development and leadership.
Sarah Jerman
M.Ed, BSc (Hons)

As well as supporting schools with Early Years and Key Stage One provision, I have been leading one of the DfE's English Hubs since their inception. Prior to this role, I led Teaching Schools across Swindon and West London for eight years. Through these roles I have supported hundreds of trainees, teachers, leaders and schools to improve their subject knowledge, practice and most importantly, the outcomes for their pupils. I have designed and delivered a wide range of professional development training packages from initial teacher training and NQT training to supporting pupils with English as an additional language to a range of Early Years programmes and, of course, phonics and early reading. In addition, I am a School Improvement and Development Adviser and work with many schools across the South West.
I have taught in all year groups from under 2s to year 13, both in England and in Service Children's Schools in Germany but my passion lies in Early Years education. When EYFS moderation was a statutory requirement, I was a lead Moderator and trainer for the Local Authority. I implemented the two year old provision in a number of schools in Swindon and was responsible for teaching and learning in Children’s Centres.
Through my work with the English Hub, I have supported schools through training, showcases, visits and audits to ensure they fully understand the fundamentals of best practice in phonics and early reading and have the correct resources to teach effectively. I also support schools with improving reading provision in Key Stage Two.
I was a co-author of Unlocking Letters and Sounds, one of the DfE's validated phonics programme, and I am a trained facilitator of the Outstanding Teacher Programme and Mentally Healthy Schools programme and specialised in Coaching and Mentoring during my M.Ed degree.