Curriculum Design and Development
We are able to offer a wide range of support in helping schools to review and develop their curriculum design and content to reflect current research and best practice and the Ofsted inspection framework.
Over the past four years we have worked closely with different schools both individually and as collaborative groups to help them on their journey using our Ofsted experience and passion for curriculum.
We can provide:
facilitation of curriculum reviews across all subjects
support for schools to design a curriculum that is relevant and appropriate to their school vision and values, location, context and pupils and families while fulfilling the expectations of the National Curriculum
resources and examples of knowledge and skills progression documents, schemes of work, knowledge organisers, different curriculum designs
staff and governor CPD on curriculum design, delivery and monitoring
bespoke training for curriculum leaders which is particularly important for those who are recently taking on a curriculum subject
ideas and examples of curriculum monitoring
practical coaching and mentoring on being involved in a ‘deep dive’
undertaking deep dives alongside school leaders