We firmly believe that the role of a School Improvement Partner is significantly more than the traditional model that has been common in schools in recent years. We understand the importance of effective and appropriate challenge and know this needs to be balanced with understanding, empathy and support if it is to have the greatest impact. We see our role as partners in developing and improving the schools with which we work hence, ‘School Improvement and Development Partners.’
To do this, we know it is important to develop a positive and honest working relationship which is built on trust, confidentiality and mutual respect. This requires time and we have seen this have the greatest impact with the schools that we have really got to know.
Between us we have a wide range of experiences, knowledge and skills and we are able to make use of these to match the needs of individual schools at specific times.
The range of things we can offer within this service include:
analysis of school improvement planning and self-evaluation
teaching and learning monitoring alongside school leaders
data analysis and challenge
support with curriculum development
wide range of leadership development activities and programmes
monitoring of Newly Qualified Teachers
coaching and mentoring at all levels
support and training for governors and trustees
focused work on disadvantaged pupils and SEND pupils
staff and governor CPD
Executive Headteacher and Headteacher Performance Management
engagement and attendance at interviews
presenting to parents
school reviews
Pupil premium reviews
SEND reviews
Governance reviews
sign posting to research and resources
phone and online support
Support and attendance during Ofsted inspections
School Improvement and Development Partner Work